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No SectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameDateTimePrevious CloseOpenBidAskDay's RangeDay's Range-StartDay's Range-End52 Week Range52 Week Range-Start52 Week Range-EndVolumeAvg. VolumeMarket CapBeta (5Y Monthly)PE Ratio (TTM)EPS (TTM)Earnings DateForward Dividend & YieldForward DividendForward Dividend YieldEx-Dividend Date1y Target EstYTD Return
1Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsAALIPT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:14PM WIB6,9506,9506,9757,0006,925.00 - 7,025.006,9257,0256,550.00 - 8,200.006,5508,200346,700662,91613,425,000,000,000113549Jul 10, 2024 - Jul 11, 2024401.00 (5.75%)4016Oct 09, 20237,569
2Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsAGARPT Asia Sejahtera Mina Tbk2024-04-15At close: 11:25AM WIB91918910091.00 - 91.00919186.00 - 282.008628275,7008,20991,000,000,0000462N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
3Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsAMMSPT Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2222202120.00 - 23.00202320.00 - 60.0020601,165,100484,24324,001,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
4Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsANJTPT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:14PM WIB735735725730720.00 - 740.00720740625.00 - 1,025.006251,025938,300898,7732,449,000,000,00015713N/A27.80 (3.81%)284Jun 16, 20230
5Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsASHAPT Cilacap Samudera Fishing Industry Tbk2024-04-15At close: 02:24PM WIB505005050.00 - 50.00505050.00 - 185.00501854009,996250,000,000,00000-3N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
6Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsAYAMPT Janu Putra Sejahtera Tbk.2024-04-15At close: 04:14PM WIB104104101104101.00 - 107.0010110774.00 - 182.007418216,656,30034,163,152416,000,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
7Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsBTEKPT Bumi Teknokultura Unggul Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2422222222.00 - 22.00222222.00 - 50.0022502,2005,0131,018,000,000,00000-2N/AN/A (N/A)00Jul 15, 20050
8Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsBWPTPT Eagle High Plantations Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:06PM WIB5555545554.00 - 56.00545650.00 - 70.0050708,070,80030,255,6451,712,000,000,0001106May 30, 2024 - Jun 03, 2024N/A (N/A)00Nov 14, 20140
9Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsCPINPT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:12PM WIB5,3255,3505,2755,3005,275.00 - 5,400.005,2755,4004,330.00 - 5,800.004,3305,8003,500,4007,630,98886,499,000,000,000037141Apr 30, 2024 - May 06, 2024100.00 (1.90%)1002Nov 17, 20235,740
10Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsCPROPT Central Proteina Prima Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:13PM WIB5152505150.00 - 52.00505250.00 - 91.00509160,816,90046,650,5842,979,000,000,000077N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
11Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsCSRAPT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:49PM WIB438438444446438.00 - 454.00438454400.00 - 550.0040055057,100133,967910,200,000,00004127N/A50.00 (10.08%)5010Nov 18, 20220
12Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsDEWIPT Dewi Shri Farmindo Tbk.2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB6464626362.00 - 64.00626450.00 - 354.00503548,038,70017,556,898126,000,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
13Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsDSFIPT Dharma Samudera Fishing Industries Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:11PM WIB5050505150.00 - 51.00505150.00 - 86.00508685,7001,609,38494,714,000,000059N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
14Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsDSNGPT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:13PM WIB700700675680670.00 - 700.00670700490.00 - 715.0049071530,280,80044,493,6847,155,000,000,0001979N/A30.00 (4.44%)304Jun 19, 2023745
15Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsFAPAPT FAP Agri Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:08PM WIB5,3005,3005,2755,3005,300.00 - 5,300.005,3005,3004,950.00 - 5,375.004,9505,37520,60012,43919,236,000,000,000012542N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
16Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsFISHPT FKS Multi Agro Tbk2024-04-15At close: 09:55AM WIB5,55005,4005,5505,550.00 - 5,550.005,5505,5505,450.00 - 7,250.005,4507,2500272,664,000,000,00016911N/A470.00 (8.47%)4708Jul 11, 20230
17Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsGOLLPT Golden Plantation Tbk2024-04-15At close: 01:30PM WIB0000N/A - N/A0050.00 - 50.00505000183,250,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
18Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsGULAPT Aman Agrindo Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:13PM WIB472470468470470.00 - 476.00470476240.00 - 700.002407001,921,7006,217,664503,069,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
19Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsGZCOPT Gozco Plantations Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:14PM WIB8577848577.00 - 89.00778977.00 - 179.007717942,919,90044,693,122510,000,000,0000516N/AN/A (N/A)00Jul 09, 20120
20Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsIKANPT Era Mandiri Cemerlang Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:34PM WIB505005050.00 - 50.00505050.00 - 73.00507311,80066,02041,667,000,0000262N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
21Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsJARRPT Jhonlin Agro Raya Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:12PM WIB308308306308308.00 - 320.00308320143.00 - 580.001435802,381,00013,025,1262,843,000,000,00001718N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
22Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsJAWAPT Jaya Agra Wattie Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:31PM WIB7893105093.00 - 105.009310556.00 - 228.0056228470,000968,9831,704,000,000,000-10-97N/AN/A (N/A)00Jun 01, 20150
23Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsJPFAPT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:13PM WIB1,2451,2451,2301,2351,215.00 - 1,270.001,2151,2701,015.00 - 1,410.001,0151,41012,044,80016,155,49811,437,000,000,00011580Apr 25, 2024 - Apr 26, 202450.00 (4.07%)504Apr 17, 20231,310
24Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsLSIPPT Perusahaan Perkebunan London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:10PM WIB930930920925920.00 - 935.00920935820.00 - 1,135.008201,1356,262,7006,369,0376,308,000,000,00018112Apr 30, 2024 - May 06, 202453.00 (5.73%)536Jul 06, 20231,113
25Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsMAGPPT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk2024-04-15At close: 01:54PM WIB5000050.00 - 50.00505050.00 - 50.00505000450,000,000,00000-23N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
26Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsMKTRPT Menthobi Karyatama Raya Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB124124124122123.00 - 124.00123124111.00 - 240.0011124099,800591,0791,476,000,000,0000344N/A1.00 (0.81%)11Apr 28, 20230
27Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsNASIPT Wahana Inti Makmur Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:03PM WIB6666646563.00 - 69.00636950.00 - 110.005011011,119,4006,504,35151,674,000,0000135N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
28Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsNSSSPT Nusantara Sawit Sejahtera Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB200200200202199.00 - 202.00199202114.00 - 240.001142408,651,00014,435,0324,805,000,000,00002,5250N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
29Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsPGUNPT Pradiksi Gunatama Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB390390392390390.00 - 390.00390390388.00 - 700.003887003,8005,1382,238,000,000,00002119N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
30Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsPNGOPT PINAGO UTAMA Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:10PM WIB1,4501,4751,5701,6451,435.00 - 1,650.001,4351,6501,230.00 - 1,800.001,2301,80049,5009,1581,285,000,000,00007223N/A130.00 (7.90%)1308Nov 07, 20230
31Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsPSGOPT Palma Serasih Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:05PM WIB152152147151147.00 - 152.00147152101.00 - 164.00101164105,10065,3922,846,000,000,00001113N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
32Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsPTPSPT Pulau Subur Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:03PM WIB163179179178179.00 - 179.0017917980.00 - 464.0080464823,700106,317,675387,982,000,000000N/A1.20 (0.67%)11Dec 18, 20230
33Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsSGROPT Sampoerna Agro Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2,0102,0102,0102,0101,970.00 - 2,020.001,9702,0201,950.00 - 2,270.001,9502,27012,30029,9473,655,000,000,00008266N/A198.00 (9.85%)19810Jun 20, 20230
34Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsSIPDPT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB795800805895800.00 - 805.00800805770.00 - 1,365.007701,3655004,1221,480,000,000,00010-11N/AN/A (N/A)00Dec 11, 20120
35Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsSMARPT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB3,8903,9103,8803,9503,790.00 - 3,950.003,7903,9503,700.00 - 5,600.003,7005,600102,80019,94311,259,000,000,000112320May 22, 2024 - May 27, 2024570.00 (14.54%)57015Jun 15, 20230
36Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsSSMSPT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk.2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB1,0501,0651,0351,0401,035.00 - 1,065.001,0351,065935.00 - 1,820.009351,8207,803,70010,051,5909,906,000,000,00002935Apr 30, 2024 - May 06, 2024229.43 (22.06%)22922May 17, 20230
37Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsSTAAPT Sumber Tani Agung Resources Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB790785785790780.00 - 795.00780795780.00 - 1,020.007801,0204,798,9004,303,8458,614,000,000,00001363N/A46.00 (5.82%)466May 30, 20230
38Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsTAPGPT Triputra Agro Persada Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:09PM WIB610605615620605.00 - 625.00605625505.00 - 655.005056557,857,8006,515,67112,309,000,000,0000881N/A38.00 (6.13%)386May 26, 2023800
39Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsTLDNPT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB448448448446446.00 - 450.00446450376.00 - 505.0037650536,40057,8035,800,000,000,00002320N/A19.69 (4.40%)204May 12, 20230
40Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsUDNGPT Agro Bahari Nusantara Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:09PM WIB6161596157.00 - 61.00576149.00 - 136.00491361,282,60026,913,381105,000,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
41Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsUNSPPT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB7575757575.00 - 75.00757575.00 - 125.007512546,900855,694187,512,000,0001325Jun 26, 2024 - Jul 01, 2024N/A (N/A)00Aug 09, 20120
42Consumer DefensiveFarm ProductsWMUUPT Widodo Makmur Unggas Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:11PM WIB2422222222.00 - 22.00222222.00 - 50.002250321,30097,301284,706,000,00000-12N/AN/A (N/A)00Jun 24, 20220

Summary | Statistics | LQ45 Summary | LQ45 Statistics | IDX30 Summary | IDX30 Statistics | Dividends Distribution | Dividends Amount | Dividends Yields | Stock Splits | Volume | Atmadja Index | Indicators 1D | Indicators 1W | Indicators 1M | Indicators Summary

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